PLAY:double click STOP:one click

Along the path, we found people going in our same direction, and others in the opposite direction. We learned from all of them, but there are those who walk beside us, at our pace, with similar goals; these are essential. The better the companion is, the more enjoyable and productive a long walk can be. A good performance is not made on its own; it is the result of a collective and integrated process. For all of that, commitment is a key word for Ponto de Partida group and COPASA.



COPASA’s Human Resource Management Policy considers just, ethical, equal and democratic treatment to its employees, seeking to match their and the Company’s expectations and interests.

The Company seeks to know the expectations and needs from employees by means of a biannual Organizational Atmosphere Survey, which enables management of the Organizational Atmosphere Performance (CLOG) indicator. The outcome analysis supports planning of actions aiming to maintain quality and harmony at the work environment, seeking a better quality of life and performance for all employees.

The survey made by sampling in 2010 showed a favor rate of 76% over the market average, which is 69.7%, found in a survey made with 20 medium and major companies from Minas Gerais.

COPASA finished 2011 with 11,535 employees.

With respect to space distribution, 42%, that is, 4,894 employees work at the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, from which 33% at central management and 67% in the operation of systems served in this area.



At COPASA, people are hired, screened and contracted in accordance with criteria set in public competition rules and internal letters, both broadly advertised. In order to guarantee equal opportunities, impartiality and justice, the Company encourages inclusive practices, like the internal selective process for trust offices, which considers, in case of equal results in the final score, preference for female applicants and Afro-descendant female applicants, in this order.

The public competition rules include 10% of vacancies for the handicapped, and the Company has been seeking to adjust its facilities with special elevators, access ramps and restrooms fitted for people on wheelchairs.

The Company promotes respect to religious diversity, allowing catholic masses, protestant meetings and other events in its internal spaces. The celebration of International Women’s Day is a very significant event in COPASA’s calendar, promoted with the presence of the Executive Board and support from the Association of COPASA Employees, its subsidiaries and sponsored companies (AECO). On this day, a diversified cultural and artistic program is offered to female employees. In 2011, this program reinforced the importance and reasons of woman’s ascension in modern society.

Since 2003, homosexual employees can include their partners of same sex as dependents in the Association for Health Assistance to COPASA Employees (Copass Saúde). With this action, the Company has anticipated the implementation of Normative Docket 12/10, signed by the Collegiate Board of National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS).

* Brazilian Minimum Salary in force in December 2011 (GRI LA14)

In 2011, the average salary range in COPASA showed a raise in comparison to 2010, due to variation of the National Index of Prices to Consumers (INPC) in salaries and a raise in the base of Institutional Performance Gratification (GDI) from 12% to 13.5%.

(GRI LA13)

(GRI LA13)

(*)The classification of employees per race is made by self-declaration..
(**)Although tan-skinned is not classified as a race, we used this term to expand the understanding about the composition of COPASA’s staff.

* Brazilian Minimum Salary in force in December 2011

In 2011, the lowest salary at COPASA achieved, as of the category base date (May), an amount 13.72% higher than the Brazilian minimum salary. Only 0.87% of employees receive the lesser salary. (GRI EC­5) 



The human resources management provides initiatives with the target to enable professional development of applicants and employees, such as:

Absorption of Personnel: when taking over operating systems, by means of a Program Agreement executed with municipal governments, there might be absorption of personnel from these institutions, as long as employees are working in basic sanitation activities, have been approved in public competitions and fulfill the Company’s requirements. Absorption must occur for the maximum period of six months after start up. In 2011, 27 employees from municipal governments were absorbed, under the law in force.
(GRI EC­7)

Master Analyst and Specialist Technician: in order to settle organizational learning, COPASA maintains this specialty of specialized professionals, who are a reference of technical excellence, great knowledge and acknowledged technical capacity to propose solutions related to the policies and guidelines of corporate and operational management.

Public Competition: screening process performed in accordance with the Federal Constitution, by means of which the Company screens and hires people, with the main purpose to fulfill manpower needs and generate stand-by staff to fill in vacancies.

Hiring Apprentices: COPASA hires apprentices, under the law in force, granting them financial support of half a minimum salary, in addition to charge the FGTS and INSS and bus vouchers. In 2011, by means of a partnership made with the National Service for Industrial Learning (SENAI), COPASA hired 238 young apprentices aged between 16 and 24 years old, 155 female and 83 males. They are provided with learning courses in administrative proceedings, electric installation in buildings and plumbing system installation.

Professional Growth: with basis on individual performance assessments applied from the moment when an employee enters a specialty which requires a learning period to achieve maturity, experience and the required individual and functional skills. According to the result obtained, the employee may ascend to an immediately upper level, until he/she reaches the full wages in the same specialty. In 2011, there were 3,485 professional growth assessments, 6,455 assessments by skills and 81 for holders of trust offices. (GRI LA12)

Career and Salary Plan (PCCS): instrument which guides actions for career and salary management. In 2011, the PCCS has undergone a revision, supported by the result obtained from an opinion poll involving all COPASA’s employees and related labor unions. During this poll, carried out in 2010, 74% of employees sent suggestions, as well as the Union of Workers in Industries of Purification and Distribution of Water and in Sewer Services in the State of Minas Gerais (SINDÁGUA), and the Union of Engineers from the state of Minas Gerais (Senge). The revision enabled more dynamics in career moves, enhancing the structure of careers, and the conditions and criteria to fill positions.

Internal Selective Process for Trust Offices: performed twice a year, it is the process through which the Company identifies employees with potential leadership to fill vacant trust positions. The new Company managers, at all hierarchy levels – except for president, director and some other strategic positions – are selected by means of technical and behavioral assessments, in accordance with rules established in a specific regulation available to employees. In order to renew its management staff and maintain internal competitiveness, managers completing six years at their position should also participate of the selection process, if they are interested in remaining at their position.

In 2011, 105 employees engaged this selection process. As a result, 20 new managers were selected. These new leaderships are supported by the New Manager Follow-up and Development Program, which promotes adaptation and development of employees selected to take management positions. For such, it provides: guidance about performance in the selection process, feedback meeting with his/her principal, construction of Individual Development Plan (PDI), development groups, lecture cycles about the internal process related to new managers, follow-up interview for the first six-month period in the position, meetings for guidance and feedback to principals. In 2011, the program benefited 14 new managers.

Internship Program: in 2011, 135 internship vacancies were offered for university students and high-school-graduated technicians, who had an internship at the company, which also offers opportunities on internship for student employees. In 2011, 113 employees had their internship at the Company.

Trainee Program: selects, on an yearly basis, in accordance with rules from a specific regulation, professionals with greater potential of attainment and learning. In 2011, 14 employees approved in selection processes had the opportunity to expand the systemic vision of COPASA’s organizational processes and its management model, in addition to developing guiding skills for the business and expanding the corporate focus. Since it was created, 70 employees engaged, and now 16 of them occupy management positions.

Functional Progress:functional promotion of the employee to an activity of more value, in order to fill a vacant position, provided he/she fulfills the requirements and the criteria set in the Regulation of Career and Salary Plan (PCCS).

Internal Selection for Effective Positions: process through which COPASA screens and hires, among the employees who fulfill the established criteria, those who have the best conditions to fulfill a certain vacant position. In 2011, 60 selection regulation documents were published, related to 80 vacancies, with 993 applicants enrolled.


(GRI LA11)

The principles from corporate education in COPASA aim to foster development of individual skills required to consolidate the corporate excellence culture and to sustain the Company’s competitive advantage. In 2011, BRL 1.1 million was invested in actions towards qualification and development of employees, offering 44,984 training opportunities and 418 thousand hours of activities performed. These actions towards corporate education were turned to the Company’s business. In this case, they were performed through events with internal instructors, what resulted in lower expenses with enrollments and instructors.

(GRI LA10)

Needs for qualification and development of employees are identified by means of Training Need Verification, which is a process carried out on an yearly basis, at all organizational units, and it is the input for the preparation of the Corporate Education Program, which aims to ensure continuity of the knowledge generation, maintenance and multiplication process at COPASA.

Another initiative to foster professional growth is expanding employees’ skills and their participation in technical professional courses for sanitation agents with financial support ranging from 50% to 90% and specialization courses for sanitation analysts.



The variable remuneration mechanisms seek to promote, value and enhance employees’ potentials, by motivating them to achieve better results.

In this sense, COPASA uses variable compensation models which award a collective effort to achieve targets defined in the strategic planning:

Performance Gratification for System Foreman: instituted in 2011, it is awarded to employees holding the position of system foreman, as a result from the operational performance found in the locality under his/her responsibility.

Management Performance Gratification:assessment system which awards on a monthly basis employees holding trust offices, as a result from their unit performance in relation to established targets, under an audit of practices launched in the Management Support and Development System.

Institutional Performance Gratification: quarterly assessment system directly related to the Company’s strategic goals, which awards employees on a monthly basis, in accordance with the results obtained in their unit. In 2011, the percentage of this gratification was raised from 12% to 13.5%.

Profit Share: consists of distribution of part of the annual net earnings of the Company to employees, in accordance with the labor law. It is calculated in a linear manner, and the value is the same for all employees, regardless of an employees’ salary level.



(GRI LA6; LA9) Actions related to occupational health and safety in COPASA are regulated by the law in force and by a specific article on occupational medicine, health and safety from a Collective Labor Bargaining Agreement executed between the Company and the Union of Workers in Industries of Purification and Distribution of Water and in Sewer Services in the state of Minas Gerais (SINDÁGUA), the Union of Business Managers in the state of Minas Gerais (SAEMG) and the Union of Engineers from the state of Minas Gerais (SENGE-MG).

The basis for occupation health and safety actions from employees is the Environmental Risk Prevention Program (PPRA) and the Occupational Health Medical Control Program (PCMSO). The first one enables the identification and proposes solutions for labor situations which can result in harm to employees’ health. The second one enables follow-up of employees’ health by means of hire, periodic, dismissal and other examinations.

(GRI LA8) Other actions supplement the occupational health and safety maintenance strategy at COPASA:

Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA): professionals of medicine and safety, with support from the 68 existing CIPAS, identify and treat risks related to occupational health, safety and ergonomics, in compliance with standard NR-9 from Administrative Rule 3214/78 by the Ministry of Labor (MTE).

Ergonomics Work Group:renders services of technical consulting to the units with respect to prevention of occupational diseases and accidents at work, in order to provide employees with most health, comfort, safety and efficient performance, in addition to developing ergonomics projects and supporting legal survey demands. In 2011, UM cycle of lectures was introduced to employees occupying administrative positions, with respect to correct utilization of computer work stations.

Special Assistance Program: meant for handicapped employees and dependents, it offers refund for expenses with specific health treatments and school services. In 2011, 310 people were benefited, 75 employees and 244 dependents.

Program for Attention to Health and AIDS Prevention (APA): acts in a preventive and educational manner, and assists bearers of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Prevention works include lectures, distribution of educational material, and condoms in annual campaigns, among other activities. The supporting works aim to provide HIV bearers with treatment, which includes laboratory examinations, psychological services, dentist and specific medications, in addition to guidance and assistance to family. The program has 133 “multipliers” participating.

In 2011, the APA Campaign Project for Carnival 2011 was carried out, which performed 95 educational interventions about health and AIDS prevention, and had participation of 2175 employees who also received condoms. Each event had a lecture held by a psychologist specialized in this matter, where the following subjects were approached: vulnerability, social control, prevention, self and mutual care, treatment and living with HIV/AIDS. In Belo Horizonte and in its metropolitan area, in partnership with COPASA Theater, the Company had performances of theater roadshows.

Another event was the Internal Forum for AIDS Prevention, on April 27th and 28th, 2011, in the auditorium at COPASA’s main office, with the subject “Practices to develop a healthy work environment.” The purpose was to qualify participants of Health and AIDS Information “Multipliers” (MSI). There was also the II Seminar for Health Promotion, carried out on October 26th and 27th, in which the MSIs met with health care professionals, who contributed to expand the APA work outlook, like incorporating information about viral hepatitis and syphilis.

 Labor Gymnastic Program: implemented in 2011, there are three daily sessions at the Company’s office, held by a physiotherapist, in different times and places, in order to enable most employees to participate. The program was expanded to three units, located in the towns of Montes Claros, Corinto and Leopoldina.

Program of Prevention and Assistance to Individuals with Respect to Alcohol and Drug Abuse (PASA):aims to reduce disease related to chemical addiction, absenteeism and labor-related accidents; lectures are held for internal and external audiences, about prevention of alcohol, tobacco and other drug addictions. It entails follow-up of treatments: diagnosis, individual therapeutic treatment, meetings with therapeutic groups (hosting, abstinence maintenance, strengthening and anti-tobacco addiction), guidance and support to family of participants and emergency services. It has the support of 69 “multipliers”.

It includes tobacco addiction treatment, with strengthening plus medication, and hiring psychologists by means of agreement between COPASA and Copass Saúde. In 2011, there was a lecture about tobacco addiction, held by a health care professional, with the purpose to explain noxious effects from tobacco toxic substances to health of smokers and passive smokers.

On an yearly basis, there is an “Annual Event for the Program of Prevention and Assistance to Individuals with Respect to Alcohol and Drug Abuse” which is one more therapeutic resource from the Program, as it renews commitment of participants with sobriety, and it also renews hope of health care professionals, families and other employees, by perceiving the possibility of overcoming and winning substance addiction. The results obtained by PASA Program have effects on integral health, habits and behavior of employees, leading them to a positive attitude towards work, family and life in society.

Professional Rehab Program:in partnership with the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), it enables a position transfer for employees who have some handicap to perform their original job, due to some health problem. On December 31st, 2011, 59 rehab proceedings were ongoing. Employees under rehabilitation are followed up by physicians and social workers, and relocated in new position, in which it is possible to use their labor potential.

Some figures score the results from COPASA’s occupational health and safety:

  • the recovery rate of employees followed up by PASA in alcohol and other drugs abuse treatment, in the last three years was 61.3%;
  • 1,384 employees were trained on information about STD/AIDS prevention in 2011;
  • 3,316 employees participating at training on accident prevention, including courses bout standards NR-10 and NR33, CIPA, Fire Fight, Driving Vehicles with Hazardous Material, Safety at Work, and others;
  • reduction of percentage for labor-related accidents with lost work days in 2011, in comparison to 2010.


In 2011 the labor-related accident severity rate increased due to two car accidents resulting in death.

Other actions performed:

Fight against Dengue Fever: in support to efforts from the Government of the state of Minas Gerais, COPASA expanded its Internal Campaign of Fight against Dengue Fever. With State Decree 45494/10, the Government created the permanent commissions against sources of dengue mosquitoes at all agencies and state entities from the state of Minas Gerais. COPASA created the Permanent Committee of Fight against Dengue Fever, composed by 52 internal commissions connected to the Company’s organizational unit.

After training 503 Dengue Fight Coordinators and Agents, these commissions started mapping places of risk at the Company units, eliminating possible sources of mosquitoes. This control is performed on a monthly basis, with monthly meetings and issued reports sent to the state Government. COPASA made its own informative material for internal distribution, made on line primers available, participated at events with the community and performed plays with actors dressed like big mosquitoes, distributing leaflets in several events. The Company also makes employees sensitive to take the campaign to their families and friends, contributing to health care agencies in the fight against dengue fever.

In 2011, COPASA was awarded with the Health Merit Medal, granted by the Secretary of Health from the state of Minas Gerais. The price, instituted by Decree 41337/00, aims to pay homage to entities, people and companies which have stood out in the state of Minas Gerais with services supplied to public health. The Government of Patos de Minas also granted COPASA an acknowledgment certificate for the Company’s important work supporting the Municipal Campaign of Fight Against Dengue Fever.

International Nurses Day: COPASA, by means of Program Keeping up with Health and Safety, promoted a series of lectures focusing employees’ health, in order to celebrate the International Nurses Day. Employees were also provided with blood pressure measurement services at the Company’s office, with the internal nursing team and partners from São Marcos Laboratory and Hospital de Olhos (Eye Hospital).

National Health and Nutrition Day: in order to celebrate the National Health and Nutrition Day, in March 31st, COPASA has made available in its medical station, located in the Company’s headquarters, services to measure Body Mass Index (BMI) and other nutritional guidance provided by students from the nutrition course of Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC Minas).

Training for Brigadiers: COPASA, in partnership with the First Unit of Military Firemen from Minas Gerais, held a qualification training of brigadiers to 127 employees in 2011. Forming the Fire Brigade is compulsory and included in Ministry of Labor Rule 3214/78, and its standard No. 23.



COPASA’s Benefit Program is ensure in a Collective Bargaining Agreement, and has been regarded as one of the best programs among similar companies in the market, from the granted benefits stand point. The Organizational Atmosphere Survey made by sampling in 2010 showed employees’ satisfaction with health programs and benefits, with a favor rate of 85% in a specific issue about this matter.

COPASA promotes improvement of employees’ life quality, seeking to fulfill needs related to health, leisure, social and financial assistance.

For such, one initiative are the benefits offered to its employees, irrespective of the labor agreement type (permanent or temporary) or work hours: medical and dental assistance; special assistance, collective life insurance; educational support; special educational support; funeral support; bus vouchers; meal vouchers; food staples; Christmas hampers; standard snacks; support for day care centers and housing.   (GRI LA3)

Psychosocial Monitoring: aims to contribute to the improvement of the employees’ personal well-being and work performance. Monitoring demand may be submitted by the employee’s manager, the employee himself, a family member or coworker. The process begins with a functional historical analysis, followed by an interview with the employee done by psychologists and/or social workers, at which point the nature of demand it identified. Depending on each case, the psychosocial care can result in orientation to the employee, management, family members, referral to one the Company’s specific programs or to a professional within the insurance network.

COPASA, its Subsidiaries and Sponsored Companies Employee Association (AECO): provides benefits to its members, reaching about 30 thousand people, including employees and their dependents. In 2011, it issued the magnetic card throughout Minas Gerais, extending the benefit to all its members. For the second consecutive year, all associated member dependents between 6 and 14 years old, received a school kit, benefiting  a total of 4,700 children. A Writing Contest involved 500 children and awarded the three best entries in three distinct categories, defined according to age.  The Association offered “loan to an associated member with a dream” benefiting 1659 members. Other 75 members received the SOS Loan, for support in times of financial emergency. The Association also promotes well-being of the employee and his/her family. In addition to commemorative events such as Labor Day, June Festival and Children’s Day, the Association holds educational lectures on breast cancer and oral health. AECO expanded its associated clubs network throughout the State, and made improvements to the club based in the ​​Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Region. The practice of sports was encouraged by the systematization of the sponsoring system to members who excel in sports such as Kung-Fu, Judo, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, cycling and chess. The COPASA Choir and the Company’s track team also received support from the Association.

Citizen Corporation: employees are allowed extending some legal absences (for example marriage and bereavement of immediate family members) and allowances that exceed the legal provisions, such as birthday and assistance to sick relative. The Company grants an additional 60 days on maternity leave, pursuant to Legislation No. 11770/08.

Family and Teenager Support Program (PAFA): developed for the employees’ children, in partnership with the Teenager Health Service of the, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) and the School Health Program, of the Minas Gerais School of Health. They provide services to teenagers within the family context, including health discussion of teenager-related topics. Service is rendered through the medical care and the promotion of educational activities such as workshops, lectures and parent-children meetings. In 2011, approximately 200 adolescents were included in the program.

Family Financial Planning Program: COPASA facilitates the access to credit lines to its employees, with lower interest rates than those charged in the market, according to agreements with financial institutions. In parallel, the company warns employees about the need to plan, save and effectively manage salary and expenses. Thus, it keeps the Family Financial Planning Program which lectures on the subject and gives individual guidance. The COPASA Theatre Group presents a play that highlights the everyday situations involving family budget issues. In 2011, 318 people participated in this Program, including employees and dependents.

Retirement Planning Program: its goal is to prepare the employee for retirement. In 2011, six workshops were held with participation of 90 employees and 56 guests. (GRI LA11)

Another factor that ensures the employee’s peace of mind is the Fundação de Seguridade do Estado de Minas Gerais [Minas Gerais Social Security Foundation] (PREVIMINAS), supplementary pension entity that provides supplemental retirement benefits granted by the INSS [National Social Security Institute].

COPASA maintains the Programa de Desligamento Voluntário de Empregados Aposentados e/ou em Condições de se Aposentar [Voluntary Termination Program for Retired and/or Eligible for Retirement Employees] (PDV), which guarantees all rights to employees terminating the employment contract by dismissal without cause, and provides the employee choice to make use of the health and group life insurance plans for their lifetime at no cost to the Company. There were 186 such employment terminations in 2011.

Sou + COPASA [I am more COPASA] Program: aims to encourage good practices and promote improvements in the categories of Segurança, Organização e Urbanização [Safety, Organization and Urbanization] (SOU) of the operating units, focusing on the welfare of employees and enhancing the Company image. Each year, units that distinguished themselves in their zeal for conservation are awarded according to the evaluation of the items mentioned and the results of performance indicators that make up the strategic map.



The Company recognizes union representations and ensures compliance with collective agreements. The Collective Work Agreement currently in force covers 100% of employees, granting them all the benefits offered by the Company. (GRI LA4)

Around COPASA’s base date, each year of a committee is formed with representatives from all departments to participate in the discussion with the unions and negotiate the list of demands presented. To deal with routine matters presented by the unions throughout the year, the Company maintains an ongoing dialogue with trade union representatives, ensuring the effective communication with the employees’ representative entities.

The main trade unions with which COPASA maintains relationships are: Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias de Purificação e Distribuição de Água e em Serviços de Esgotos do Estado de Minas Gerais [Purification and Distribution of Water and Sewerage Services Industry Workers Union of Minas Gerais] (SINDÁGUA); the Sindicato de Engenheiros no Estado de Minas Gerais [Minas Gerais Engineers Union] (SENGE-MG); and the Sindicato dos Administradores no Estado de Minas Gerais [Minas Gerais Administrators Union] (SAEMG).



Every year, COPASA employees mobilize in social responsibility actions and the promotion of citizenship that are founded on the solidarity and interest in contributing to building a more just, compassionate and inclusive society.  


In 2011, the Company promoted the Senior Citizen Christmas campaign, where more than 11,000 adult diapers and about 1,000 other personal care products were collected and donated to various institutions. Contagem employees participated in the campaign collecting personal hygiene and cleaning materials, donated to the Lar do Idoso Recanto dos Amigos Home for the Elderly. In Divinópolis, employees donated adult diapers and personal hygiene and cleaning items to the Asilo Frederick Ozanan, a nursing home. Needy children from Santos Dumont received toys collected in the Solidarity Action Christmas Campaign.

In Almenara, a Solidarity Christmas Campaign was held in partnership with other companies and institutions in the city by collecting food baskets to be donated to charities. In Diamantina, the campaign aided the Casa Lar entity and students from Extração, where gifts and snacks were distributed. In Alfenas, money donations and food baskets were given to the Casa da Criança de Campestre Children’s Home, which houses 85 underprivileged children.

In Patos de Minas, a Christmas Campaign was held with donations of sporting goods (balls) targeted to needy children in the city. This practice was developed by adopting letters written by children of the Centro de Apoio e Integração da Criança [Children’s Center for Integration and Support] (CAIC), which serves about 250 children. Betim employees, in partnership with the Associação de Proteção à Maternidade, Infância e Velhice [Association for the Protection of Motherhood, Childhood and Old Age] (APROMIV), hold the Toy Campaign and Winter Clothing Campaign, which in 2011 collected 2,800 pieces of clothing and 1253toys. In Ribeirão das Neves, toys were donated for children of the Creche Semeando Vida daycare center, benefiting approximately 50 children.

The Winter Clothing Campaign promoted in Corinto, Curvelo, Pompéu and Três Marias, collected about 13,000 items, including clothes, shoes and blankets, which were distributed among the following charities: Asilo da Velhice Desamparada, Servas dos Pobres Sagrada Família, a nursing home (Bela Vista and Downtown); Centro de Acolhida e Promoção Social [Welcoming and Social Promotion Center] (CEAPS); Assistência Social Bom Pastor and Casa de Acolhida de Menores children’s home in Curvelo; the Santo Antônio com Cristo Church Rectory in Corinto; the Health Unit of Ipiranga in Três Marias; and the Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais [Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional Children] (APAE) in Alfenas.

In the cities of Curvelo, Pouso Alegre and Santa Luzia, employees conduct monthly donations of food baskets to needy families. In Curvelo, 276 families were benefited. In Salinas, Bom Despacho and Brumadinho, every year food baskets and clothing collected at the New Year’s Eve party are donated to needy families in the region.

In Varginha, over 100 liters of milk were collected and donated to cancer patients of the Children’s Cancer Hospital in the city. Also, adult diapers were donated to the Nossa Senhora do Rosário Parish, and cleaning materials were donated to the Animal Protection Association. Another important employee initiative is in partnership with the Post Office in the Letters to Santa Claus Adoption Campaign. In São Sebastião do Paraíso, there were campaigns to donate food baskets to needy families, toys to entities assisting needy children and adult diapers for people with physical disabilities. In Itajubá, donations were made to the nursing home and the Instituição Viva Vida, which assists cancer patients.

Recycling of materials

Some COPASA units perform selective garbage collection and promote the recycling of various materials. In addition to environmental awareness and preservation, this action promotes social inclusion through partnerships with recyclable collectors associations and charities.

In Frutal, the materials collected are sent to the Casa da Criança e do Adolescente, an orphanage and the Asilo São Vicente de Paula, a nursing home. For the Associação Patense de Reciclagem [Patense Recycling Association] (APARE) in Patos de Minas, recycling of materials is a source of income for more than 20 families. For public schools of Frutal and Patos de Minas, there is a donation of plastic canisters destined for garbage collection (recyclable and regular), just as they are also reused in some areas of the company. In Patos de Minas the Company formed a partnership the Empresa Recóleo for the collection and recycling of vegetable oil. In 2011, 240 collectors were provided for the program.

In Curvelo, the Projeto Reciclar [Recycling Project] promotes the transfer of approximately 40 kg of recyclable materials to the Associação de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis Recyclable Materials Collectors Association]. In Santa Luzia the program recycles 200 kg of paper every month. The NGO Sol Crescente, located in the City of Dores do Indaiá, has benefited with disposable materials.

Ribeirão das Neves hosts the “DTRN Ambientalmente Educado” environment program, whose goal is to gather recyclable material for donation and propose change of habits in relation to the environment. The materials are sent to the Cooperativa de Materiais Recicláveis de Ribeirão das Neves [Ribeirão das Neves Recycling Cooperation] (COMARRIN).

The Rio Manso production systems in Brumadinho and Ibirité have a partnership with the Associação dos Catadores do Vale do Paraopeba [Vale do Paraopeba Recyclable Collectors Association] (ASCAVAP), aiming at the proper disposal of recyclable waste generated on their premises. The Production Divisions of Rio das Velhas and Morro Redondo maintain partnerships with selective garbage collection cooperatives in the cities of Nova Lima and Raposos.


In Patos de Minas, employees engaged in the 5ml de Esperança [5 ml of Hope] Campaign, whose goal is to promote bone marrow donation, and  advertise the campaign on the water/sewer bills of 20 locations, covering approximately 70,000 properties. They also promoted a lecture given by a Hemominas representative. Employees also participated in the blood drive to register donors in the database.

In Contagem, COPASA supports the Grupo de Artesanato Flores do Ipê [Flores do Ipê Crafts Group], assisting members in developing their products and helping them in the marketing process. The group consists of women from a region of high social vulnerability.



COPASA promotes and encourages employee artistic expression, supporting various social and cultural activities:

Storytellers: consisting of employees who specialize in the art of storytelling. The group contributes to COPASA’s relationship with society and the workforce. In 2011, the group made 21 presentations at internal and external events, to an audience of approximately 3,600 people.

COPASA Choir: it consists of 32 members, including employees and family members. The group participates in social and cultural events in Minas Gerais. In 2011, the COPASA Choir made 20 presentations, highlighting the 30th Anniversary Celebration and Christmas Concerts in the cities of Desterro do Melo and São Francisco, benefiting an audience of approximately 9,000 people. In the Christmas festivities, the COPASA Choir presented a concert held in the Company’s courtyard for the employees and invited residents of the surrounding community.

Encontro Marcado [Scheduled Meeting]: it is an initiative designed to stimulate the integration between employees and develop their artistic gifts, providing moments of relaxation, which helps to improve morale within the organizational. Nine meetings took place in 2011.

COPASA Theatre Group: it consists of eight employees, and its goal is to enhance the internal talent and use the playful language of theater to disseminate strategic themes for the Company and its stakeholders. Among the topics discussed by the group are job security; health promotion; disease prevention such as STDs/AIDS, cholera and tetanus; alcoholism, tobacco use and other drugs; accident prevention; ergonomics; customer service; quality; financial planning; and management excellence.

Initiatives for the Promotion of Culture, Sports and Health 

Origami Class: In 2011, the Storytelling Group, in partnership with the Associação dos Empregados da COPASA, de suas Subsidiárias e Patrocinadas COPASA [COPASA’s Subsidiaries and Sponsored Company’s Employee Association] (AECO), held an origami workshop for COPASA employees, called Transformando papel em arte [Turning paper into art].

25th Anniversary: annually, COPASA honors employees who complete 25 years of service to the Company. In 2011, there were 182 associates who for 25 years have contributed to improve the quality of life of millions of Minas Gerais residents.

Promoting New Talent: with COPASA’s support, the Show€ Musical€ Som€Maior 10 – O Método e a Conquista, a musical show was presented. The show was attended by 105 Som Maior Cursos Populares students, COPASA employees and their families. The school coordinator and some teachers are also employed by COPASA. The students’ show uncovers great new talent and encourages socio-cultural development.

Promoting Sports:in 2011, three young swimmers, children of COPASA employees, were approved in the selection process for the Instituto Talentos Esportivos/Gota D’Água team base, a sports institution. The initiative is a partnership between COPASA and the institution and has resources from the Lei de Incentivo ao Esporte [Sport Encouragement Legislation]. Thirteen athletes, children of COPASA employees participated in the selection process. Of those, three were selected and will be part of the team base, consisting of young swimmers from 8 to 11 years old.

In partnership with the Mackenzie Sports Club, there was a selection process for the formation of high performance volleyball and basketball teams. The project, which has resources from the Lei de Incentivo ao Esporte [Sport Encouragement Legislation], will include 190 athletes between 11 and 19 years old its goal is to provide infrastructure for the development of young sports talents. The selection for basketball and volleyball teams was attended by 24 children of COPASA employees. Nine athletes have been selected and will have the opportunity to be part of the club’s team base.